LIKE Operator using World
LIKE Operator using World Data Science Project
Advanced SQL

LIKE Operator using World

In this project, you will explore world database, a comprehensive SQL Database which houses comprehensive information about countries, cities, and languages spoken in different nations, concentrating on the use of the SQL `LIKE` and `NOT LIKE` operators. You'll gain practical experience writing queries that filter data based on pattern matching, allowing you to efficiently search for records that meet or exclude certain criteria.
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LIKE Operator using WorldLIKE Operator using World
Project Created by

Vidhi Shah

Project Activities

All our Data Science projects include bite-sized activities to test your knowledge and practice in an environment with constant feedback.

All our activities include solutions with explanations on how they work and why we chose them.


Find all countries whose names start with `A`

Fetch name of all the countries from the country table whose name starts with A.


List all cities that end with `berg`

Fetch name of the all cities from the city table whose name ends with berg.


Find countries with `island` anywhere in their name.

Fetch names of all countries with island anywhere in their name (case insensitive) from the country table.


List languages that have exactly 5 characters

Retrieve all the languages from the countrylanguage table that have exactly 5 characters.


Identify cities with `San` in their names

Retrieve names of cities from the city table with San in their name, but it should not be starting with San.


Identify Countries with Space Characters in their Local Names

List local names of countries from the country table whose LocalName contains a space.


Which statement best describes the primary purpose of the LIKE operator in SQL?


Identify Distinct Languages Starting with `T` of Exact Length `7`

Find distinct languages from the countrylanguage table that start with T and have exactly 7 characters.


Find countries without the letter `a`

Find names of countries from the country table whose names do not contain the letter a (case insensitive).


Find countries with only one `a`

List names of countries from the country table whose names have exactly one a (case insensitive).


What is the key difference between the wildcard characters `%` and `_` in SQL LIKE patterns?


Find cities with names containing two consecutive `o` letters

Fetch names of cities from the city table with names containing two consecutive o letters.


Fetch all Non-Republic Government Types

Fetch names and government forms of countries from the country table whose government forms do not start with Republic.

LIKE Operator using WorldLIKE Operator using World
Project Created by

Vidhi Shah

As a Project Author at DataWars, I dive into the world of data science and AI/ML with a millennial flair, constantly intrigued by the inner workings of technology. While I'm not crunching numbers, you'll find me cheering for my favorite cricket team.

As a Project Author at DataWars, I dive into the world of data science and AI/ML with a millennial flair, constantly intrigued by the inner workings of technology. While I'm not crunching numbers, you'll find me cheering for my favorite cricket team.

This project is part of

Advanced SQL

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