Let's Code and Read: A Python Project for Book Lovers
Let's Code and Read: A Python Project for Book Lovers Data Science Project
Data Wrangling with Pandas

Let's Code and Read: A Python Project for Book Lovers

What makes a book beloved by readers? Is it the gripping plot, the unforgettable characters, or perhaps the profound themes it tackles? This project embarks on a journey to highlights the hidden patterns that define the literary world using a fascinating dataset of popular and highly acclaimed books across various genres and time periods
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Let's Code and Read: A Python Project for Book LoversLet's Code and Read: A Python Project for Book Lovers
Project Created by

Adeyinka Odiaka

Project Activities

All our Data Science projects include bite-sized activities to test your knowledge and practice in an environment with constant feedback.

All our activities include solutions with explanations on how they work and why we chose them.


What year was the book `Orlando` first published?

Some quick trivia before we dive head first into it!


Create a new column : `year_published` from the `PublishDate` column.

Notice how in the first exercise the result was in full date format? Let's create a column that extracts the years from the PublishDate column. Having a year_published column improves the clarity and readability of the dataset, making it easier for users to understand and interpret the data.

Ensure the column in question is in the correct data type before extracting the year.


Who is the Author with the most books written in this dataset?


Calculate the average rating for each author

Who are the rockstars of the book world? Can you find the authors with the highest average ratings? Were your favorite authors on the list?

In this activity, you will calculate the average rating for each author by grouping the DataFrame by the author column. Then compute the average rating. The result is reset and saved to a new variable: author_avg_ratings using reset_index(). Finally, the DataFrame is sorted in descending order by the rating column.


Find the total number of books each author has written

First, remove the texts in parenthesis in the author column. Some entries look like this : Markus Zusak (Goodreads Author), make it so that it looks just like this: Markus Zusak. Then group the DataFrame by the author column and count the number of books associated with each author. Reset and save your result to a variable named author_book_count.


What is the average price of books for each author

Calculate the mean price of books written by each author. Make sure the price column is the correct data type before grouping. Reset index and save your result to a variable named author_avg_price.


What is the total BBE score for each author?

The BBE score is an indicator of the overall reader feedback and engagement with a particular book How much is the combined BBE score for each author, obtained by summing the BBE scores of all books written by that author?

Reset index and save your result to a variable named author_total_bbe_score. Finally, sort the result in descending order.


What are the names of the 10 most prolific authors in terms of total pages written?

Calculate the average number of pages written per author. Then organize this information into a table using the reset_index() method and sort it based on the average pages, with the highest at the top. Finally, select the top 10 authors from this sorted list to identify those who wrote the most pages on average. Save your final result in the variable : author_avg_pages.


Calculate the total number of books published in each language.

This will help us understand the distribution of books across different languages, providing insight into language-specific publishing trends and audience diversity.

Save your result in the variable: books_per_language and reset the index.


How many books are written in English?


Calculate the total number of books published each year.

Here, we will analyze the yearly distribution of book publications, which will reveal trends in the publishing industry and highlight significant years of activity or growth. But first filter your dataset to only include years before 2022. The column has anomalous entries like dates in the future (e.g., 2027) that might be due to typos.

Save your result in the variable: books_per_year and organize this information into a table using the .reset_index() method.


Which year had the least published books?

In this activity, your task is to identify the year with the least number of books published.


What are the top 10 English books with the highest number of pages?

Filter the DataFrame to include only books written in English, then sort the filtered DataFrame by the pages column in descending order and select the Top 10 entries.


What are the top 10 oldest books in the dataset?

Sort the dataset by the PublishDate column. Then, select the top 10 records and create a new dataframe containing only the title and PublishDate columns. Save this result to a variable named oldest_books.


What are the top 5 most popular genres by ratings?

Which genre reign supreme in the reading world? Can you identify the most popular genres based on the average ratings? Begin by extracting a new column: first_genre from the genres column . Subsequently, group the data accordingly to unveil the top five most popular genres based on ratings. Reset the index and save your result in a variable named : top_5_genres_by_rating


What is the average price of each book by genre?

Is genre a key factor in book pricing? Calculate the average price for each genre to see if fantasy novels leave your wallet feeling fictional, or if self-help books offer more bang for your buck!

Sort your final result in descending order and save it in the variable: average_price_by_genre_sorted. Organize this information into a table using the .reset_index() method.


What is the most popular genre?

Using the first_genre column, identify the most popular genre.


Identify the authors with the most books written for each genre

Which authors are most commonly associated with each genre? Begin by grouping the dataset by first_genre and author, then count the occurrences. Afterwards, identify the top author for each genre based on frequency, sorting in descending order. Save your final result to a variable named sorted_genre_author_count and organize this information into a table using the .reset_index() method.


Identify the genres with average ratings above 4.5

Group the DataFrame by first_genre and then filter for books with ratings above 4.5


Calculate the average rating for each language

Here, we'll calculate the average rating for each language to see if certain tongues tend to inspire higher praise (or criticism) from readers.

Reset the index of your final result and save in a variable named average_rating_by_language


Which Language has the highest rating?


Calculate the average book length by Language

Group the dataframe by language and calculate the average book length (pages). This explores potential differences in book length across languages. Save your result in the variable: avg_book_length_by_language and reset the index


Define a rating threshold of 3.5 to separate high and low rating groups.

Group the dataframe by language and split the data into highly_rated_genres (above 3.5) and lowly_rated_genres (3.5 or below) groups for each language in our data.

Analyze the distribution of genres within each group for each language. The goal is to explore potential connections between language, book rating, and genre preference.


Calculate the ratio of `LikedPercent` to `NumRatings` and rank books accordingly.

This question aims to assess the popularity of books by calculating the ratio of the percentage of users who liked the book (LikedPercent) to the total number of ratings (NumRatings).

By ranking these books based on this calculated ratio to identify those that are highly regarded compared to reader engagement levels.

First calculate the ratio and store the calculated ratio in a new column named Liked_to_NumRatings_ratio, then rank the books based on this ratio in descending order, creating a Rank column. Finally, sort the dataframe by this rank and reset the index. Save your final result in the varaible: df_ratio.

Remember that likedPercent is given as a percentage. This means that to obtain a ratio, likedPercent would have to be divided by 100 first.


Which year had the highest rating?

Using the df_ratio calculated in the previous activity, Identify the year that had the highest rating

Let's Code and Read: A Python Project for Book LoversLet's Code and Read: A Python Project for Book Lovers
Project Created by

Adeyinka Odiaka

This project is part of

Data Wrangling with Pandas

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