Home Loan Approval
Home Loan Approval Data Science Project
Classification in Depth with Scikit-Learn

Home Loan Approval

During this project, you will practice working with a real dataset, including loading, preparing, and cleaning the data, to train a machine learning model. The objective of this project is to assist lenders in making better-informed decisions when approving or denying loan applications.
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Home Loan ApprovalHome Loan Approval
Project Created by

Verónica Barraza

Project Activities

All our Data Science projects include bite-sized activities to test your knowledge and practice in an environment with constant feedback.

All our activities include solutions with explanations on how they work and why we chose them.


Consider two models that each evaluate the same dataset.

Which one of the following statements is true?


Which parameters below are hyperparameters of Logistic regression?

Choice the correct answer


A model is overfitting when:

Choice the correct answer


True or False: Machine learning involves training models to make accurate predictions on new, unseen data


True or False:Evaluating a machine learning model solely on its accuracy is sufficient to determine whether it is a good model.


What is the target variable?


How many null values are present in the dataset?


Are there any duplicate values in the dataset?


Compute the number of people that is married.


Compute the correlation matrix.

Now calculate the correlation between all the variables: Which is the correlation between ApplicantIncome and LoanAmount?

Round to two decimals


Which is the correct way to encode a variable?:



Now, let's submit your predictions for the test dataset to get a score from the platform.

Home Loan ApprovalHome Loan Approval
Project Created by

Verónica Barraza

This project is part of

Classification in Depth with Scikit-Learn

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