Nobel Quest: Tracking Geniuses Over Time
Nobel Quest: Tracking Geniuses Over Time Data Science Project
Visualizations with Matplotlib

Nobel Quest: Tracking Geniuses Over Time

In this project, we’ll uncover the world of Nobel Prize winners, transforming data into vibrant charts that reveal trends in science, economics, and more. Using Matplotlib, you’ll create stunning visualizations that show how these groundbreaking figures—from all corners of the globe—have shaped history. It’s a fun, interactive way to explore the evolution of genius, all while learning the magic of data storytelling!
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Nobel Quest: Tracking Geniuses Over TimeNobel Quest: Tracking Geniuses Over Time
Project Created by

Adeyinka Odiaka

Project Activities

All our Data Science projects include bite-sized activities to test your knowledge and practice in an environment with constant feedback.

All our activities include solutions with explanations on how they work and why we chose them.


Plot a Line Chart to Track the Yearly Evolution of Nobel Prizes Awarded

Using the calculated prizes_per_year series, create a line chart to visualize how the number of Nobel Prizes awarded has evolved over time, using the following parameters:

figure size : 10 by 6

Color : blue

linestyle : -

Marker : o

Title : Evolution of Nobel Prizes Awarded Per Year

xlabel : Year

ylabel : Number of Nobel Prizes Awarded

Don't forget to add a grid to your plot for better readability before you display it.


Plot a timeline showing the evolution of Nobel Prize awards over time, classified by `category`

Use the pre-calculated DataFrame prizes_per_category to plot separate lines depicting each category, using the following details :

figure size : 10 by 6

linestyle : -

Use the Category as the label

Title : Evolution of Nobel Prizes Awarded by Category

xlabel : Year

ylabel : Number of Nobel Prizes Awarded

legend title : Category Dont forget to add a grid before displaying the plot.


Create a stacked bar chart to visualize the distribution of male vs. female Nobel laureates across different decades.

Using the pre-calculated DataFrame laureates_by_decade_gender, generate a visual representation through a stacked bar chart with the specified parameters. Set the figure size to be 10 by 6 inches and keep the bar width at 1.5. Labels should reflect Male and Female, with the title reading Distribution of Male vs. Female Nobel Laureates by Decade. Both x and y labels should respectively be Decade and Number of Nobel Laureates, and the legend should read Gender. For colors, use blue for male and pink for female on the bars.


Plot the number of Nobel laureates born in New York over time

Use the pre-calculated series ny_laureates_per_year to create a line chart showing how the number of laureates born in New York changes over time using the following parameters :

figure size : 10 by 6

marker : o

color : green

linestyle : -

Title : Number of Nobel Laureates Born in New York Over Time

xlabel : Year

ylabel :Number of Nobel Laureates Born in New York


Use a Multi-line Plot to Show Nobel Prizes Won by Countries over the Decades.

In this activity, your task is to create a visualization of how the number of Nobel Prizes won by various countries has changed over the decades.

Task Instructions:

Use a for loop to iterate over the DataFrame laureates_by_decade_country, which has already been calculated.

Plot each country as a separate line on the chart.

Parameters for the plot should be: - Figure size: 10 by 6

  • Country as label

  • Marker: o

  • Title: "Nobel Prizes Won by Country Over the Decades"

  • xlabel: "Decade"

  • ylabel: "Number of Nobel Prizes Won"

Set the legend title to "Country", select the location to "center left", and bbox_to_anchor to (1, 0.5).

Lastly, add a grid and adjust the plot's layout by using (0, 0, 0.85, 1) to ensure proper resizing and leaving enough space for the legend on the far right.


Create a line chart showing the number of laureates affiliated with Harvard over the years.

Use the series harvard_laureates_per_year to create a line chart using the following specifications:

  • Figure size : 10 by 6

  • Marker : o

  • Linestyle : -

  • Color : green

  • Title : Nobel Laureates Affiliated with Harvard Over the Years

  • xlabel : Year

  • ylabel : Number of Laureates


Create a Line Chart to Showcase the Average Age of Laureates Winning the Nobel Prize, by Year

Using the previously made series, avg_age_by_year, which calculates the average age per laureate at the time of their Nobel Prize win, create a line plot, with the parameters set as follows:

figure size : 10 by 6

marker : o

Linestyle : -

Color : blue

Title : Average Age of Nobel Laureates at Time of Winning (by Year)

xlabel : Year

ylabel : Average Age at Winning

Finally, add a grid and display the plot.


Generate a Plot for the Percentage of Shared Nobel Prizes Over Time.

Use the calculated series percentage_shared_prizes to plot the percentage of shared prizes over time using the following parameters :

figure size : 10 by 6

marker : o

Linestyle : -

Color : purple

Title : Percentage of Nobel Prizes Shared by Multiple Winners Over Time

xlabel : Year

ylabel : Percentage of Shared Prizes

Finally, add a grid and display the plot.


Use a line chart to visualize how the length of Nobel Prize motivations (number of words in `motivation` column) has evolved over time.

Plot the average word count over the years using the calculated series avg_word_count_by_year, using the following parameters :

figure size : 10 by 6

marker : v

Linestyle : -

Color : orange

Title : Evolution of Nobel Prize Motivation Length Over Time

xlabel : Year

ylabel : Average Word Count of Motivation

Finally, add gridlines and display the plot.


Create a Bar Chart of Cities Producing the Most Nobel Laureates

Use the calculated series city_counts to plot this information.

figure size : 10 by 6

Color : skyblue

Title : Top Cities Producing the Most Nobel Laureates

xlabel : City

ylabel :Number of Nobel Laureates Add a 45-degree rotation to the labels on the x-axis for better visibility. Once all the details are in place, use .tight_layout to display the plot.


Compare Lifespans of Nobel Laureates

Refer to the column lifespan you have calculated earlier. Use this data to draw a histogram representing the lifespans of Nobel Prize winners. The settings for your plot parameters should be as follows:

  • Set the figure size to 10x6.

  • Use 10 bins for the histogram.

  • The edgecolor should be black.

  • Use skyblue as the color for your histogram bars.

  • Title your graph as Distribution of Nobel Laureates' Lifespans.

  • Label the x-axis as Lifespan (Years).

  • Label the y-axis as Number of Nobel Laureates.

Once complete, use .tight_layout and display your final output.


Analyze the Evolution of Female Representation in Nobel Prizes

Plot the evolution of Female Nobel Prize winners from the provided series female_trend. Use the specifications below for the line chart:

figure size : 10 by 6

marker : o

Color : purple

Title : Trend of Female Nobel Laureates Over Time

xlabel : Year

ylabel : Number of Female Laureates

Once complete, use .tight_layout and display your final output.

Nobel Quest: Tracking Geniuses Over TimeNobel Quest: Tracking Geniuses Over Time
Project Created by

Adeyinka Odiaka

This project is part of

Visualizations with Matplotlib

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