Practice SELECT with Postgres Pagila
Practice SELECT with Postgres Pagila Data Science Project
Beginning SQL: Basic Selection Statements

Practice SELECT with Postgres Pagila

Enhance your SQL skills with this hands-on lab using the Pagila database, a simulated video rental store. Through 10 targeted activities, you'll master fundamental `SELECT` statement syntax, practice querying realistic data, and become proficient in using aliases for data retrieval. Designed for beginners, this lab focuses on core SQL concepts without delving into advanced topics like `WHERE` clauses or joins.
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Practice SELECT with Postgres PagilaPractice SELECT with Postgres Pagila
Project Created by

Anurag Verma

Project Activities

All our Data Science projects include bite-sized activities to test your knowledge and practice in an environment with constant feedback.

All our activities include solutions with explanations on how they work and why we chose them.


Write a SQL query to select all columns from the `film` table.

Write your query in the input box below.


Write a SQL query to select the `customer_id`, `first_name`, and `last_name` columns from the `customer` table.


Write a SQL query to select the `first_name` and `last_name` columns from the `customer` table

Write a SQL query to select the first_name and last_name columns from the customer table, but display them as firstname and lastname in the result set.


Concatenating Customer Names into a Full Name

Write a SQL query to select the first_name and last_name columns from the customer table, concatenating them together with a space in between. Display the result as fullname.


Write query to select all the languages from the `language` table.

Write a SQL query to select all the languages from the language table, displaying the result as language.


Write a query to get the rental rate and replacement cost of all the films.

Write a SQL query to get the rental_rate and replacement_cost of all the films from the film table, displaying the result as rentalrate and replacementcost.


Write a query list the name of staff and their email address.

Write a SQL query to list the first_name, last_name, and email of all the staff members from the staff table.


Write a query to list all the stores

Write a SQL query to list all the stores from the store table. Select the correct number of stores from the options below.


Write a query to list the payment info of 2022 April

Write a SQL query to list the payment_id, amount, and payment_date of all payments from the payment_p2022_04 table.


Write a query to get the address of the customers

Write a SQL query to get the address of all the customers from the address table. Select only address, address2, district, city_id, and postal_code columns.

Practice SELECT with Postgres PagilaPractice SELECT with Postgres Pagila
Project Created by

Anurag Verma

What's up, friends! 👋 I'm a computer science student about to finish my last year of college. 🎓 I LOVE writing code! ❤️ It makes me so happy! 😄 Whether I'm goofing in notebooks 📓 or coding in Python 🐍, writing programs is a blast! 💥

What's up, friends! 👋 I'm a computer science student about to finish my last year of college. 🎓 I LOVE writing code! ❤️ It makes me so happy! 😄 Whether I'm goofing in notebooks 📓 or coding in Python 🐍, writing programs is a blast! 💥

This project is part of

Beginning SQL: Basic Selection Statements

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