Understanding Crime Through Visualizations with Matplotlib
Understanding Crime Through Visualizations with Matplotlib Data Science Project
Visualizations with Matplotlib

Understanding Crime Through Visualizations with Matplotlib

In this capstone project, we dive into the world of crime data in Atlanta, using the power of Matplotlib to uncover hidden patterns and tell compelling stories through visuals. Get ready to bring crime data to life with Matplotlib!
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Understanding Crime Through Visualizations with MatplotlibUnderstanding Crime Through Visualizations with Matplotlib
Project Created by

Adeyinka Odiaka

Project Activities

All our Data Science projects include bite-sized activities to test your knowledge and practice in an environment with constant feedback.

All our activities include solutions with explanations on how they work and why we chose them.


Plot the Number of Crimes That Occurred Each Day

First, drop the Unnamed columns, then convert the date column in your DataFrame to a datetime format. Next, group the data by date and count the number of crimes that occurred each day. Create a line plot using the following parameters:

Figure size : 10 by 6

Color : Blue

Title : Daily Crime Counts

xlabel : Date

ylabel : Number of Crimes

Add a grid for clarity. Finally, display the plot. This will help you identify trends and patterns in crime rates across different months.


Create a bar chart showing the total number of each crime type.

Begin by counting the occurrences of each crime on the crime column, summarizing how often each type of crime appears. Then plot the graph using the following information:

Figure size : 10 by 6

Color : Red

Title : Total Number of Each Crime Type

xlabel : Crime Type

ylabel : Number of Crimes

Rotate the x-axis labels representing crime types by 45 degrees and align them to the right for better readability. Add grid lines to the y-axis using a dashed linestyle (--) with an alpha of 0.7 for a subtle visual guide. Apply tight_layout() to prevent any overlapping or clipping of plot elements, ensuring a clean and organized appearance. Finally, use plt.show() to display the chart, allowing you to visually compare the frequency of different crime types in your dataset.


Visualize the times crimes occurred.

First, extract the day of the week from the date column. Then, count the number of crimes that happened on each day. Then, plot this information on a graph using the following details:

Figure size : 10 by 5

Color : Coral

Edge color : Black

Title : Number of Crimes by Day of the Week

xlabel : Day of the Week

ylabel : Number of Crimes

Rotate the x-axis labels representing crime types by 45 degrees and align them to the right for better readability. Add grid lines to the y-axis using a dashed linestyle (--) with an alpha of 0.7 for a subtle visual guide. Apply tight_layout() to prevent any overlapping or clipping of plot elements, ensuring a clean and organized appearance. Finally, use plt.show() to display the chart.


Plot a Bar Chart Showing the Crime Numbers for the Top 10 Crime-prone Neighborhoods

First, count the number of crimes in each neighborhood and then select the top 10 neighborhoods with the most crime counts. Create a bar chart of this information. The x-axis should represent the neighborhoods and the y-axis should depict the number of crimes. Make sure you add the following details to your chart:

Figure size : 12 by 8

Color : Teal

Edge color : Black

Title : Top 10 Neighborhoods with the Most Crimes

xlabel : Neighborhood

ylabel : Number of Crimes

Finally rotate the x-axis labels for better readability(rotation=45, ha='right'), and add a dashed grid (--, alpha : 0.7) to the y-axis to help you compare the heights of the bars easily. Apply tight_layout() to prevent any overlapping or clipping of plot elements, ensuring a clean and organized appearance. Upon completion, you'll be able to visually analyze which neighborhoods experience the most crime.


Compare the occurrence of two specific crime types over time in a single line plot.

Filter the DataFrame to include only rows with LARCENY-NON VEHICLE and BURGLARY-RESIDENCE. Then extract the year from the date column and group the filtered data by year and crime type, counting the number of occurrences. Plot the resulting data on a chart, where each line represents the trend of a specific crime type over time, using the following information:

Figure size : 12 by 8

marker : o

Colors : red, blue

Title : Comparison of Crime Types Over Time

xlabel : Year

ylabel : Number of Crimes

Add a legend with the title Crime Type, and grid lines on both axes for better readability.


Create a scatter plot showing crime locations in Atlanta

Use seaborn to plot the longitude (long) on the x-axis and latitude (lat) on the y-axis, with different colors for each crime type, specified by the tab10 palette. Adjust the point size with the s parameter and set the transparency with alpha to make overlapping points clearer. Add a title, x and y-axis labels, and place the legend outside the plot area for better clarity. Apply tight_layout() to prevent any overlapping or clipping of plot elements, ensuring a clean and organized appearance. Finally, include a grid to enhance readability and use plt.show() to display the plot. Here are the rest of the information for the plot:

Figure size : 12 by 8

Color palette : tab10

Hue : crime

s = 15

Alpha : 0.7

Title : Crime Locations in Atlanta by Crime Type

xlabel : Longitude

ylabel : Latitude


Title : Crime Type

bbox_to_anchor : 1.05, 1

loc : upper left


Create a Stacked Bar Plot: Number of Crimes per Neighborhood Planning Unit (NPU) Categorized by Crime Type

In this task, you will use the Pandas .plot() method to create a stacked bar chart to visualize the number of crimes committed in each Neighborhood Planning Unit (NPU), classified by crime type. Begin by grouping the data by NPU and crime. Count the occurrences and reshape the data into a DataFrame. Now, plot this data employing the details below:

Figure size : 14 by 8

Colormap : tab20

Bar width :0.90

Title : Number of Crimes in Each NPU, Broken Down by Crime Type

xlabel : Neighborhood Planning Unit (NPU)

ylabel : Number of Crimes


Title : Crime Type

bbox_to_anchor : 1.05,1

Loc : upper left

Add a dashed grid(--, alpha : 0.7) to the y-axis to help you compare the heights of the bars easily. Also, apply tight_layout() to prevent any overlapping or clipping of plot elements.


Generate a Pie Chart to Show the Distribution of Crime Types

Count the occurrences of each crime type, then generate a pie chart with labels, percentages, and a color scheme, title, and a circular shape, using the following details:

Figure size : 10 by 10

autopct :%1.1f%%

Startangle : 140

Colors : plt.cm.tab20.colors

Title : Distribution of Crime Types

This provides a visual representation of the relative prevalence of different crime types in the data. Also, apply tight_layout() to prevent any overlapping or clipping of plot elements, ensuring a clean and organized appearance.


You have a 3D scatter plot with color-coded categories. Which Matplotlib function would you use to create a legend for the categories?


Analyze Summer Crime Pattern

First, filter the dataset to include only BURGLARY-RESIDENCE incidents, then create two subsets: one for the summer months (June, July, and August) and another for the rest of the year. Next, count the number of burglaries in each subset. Finally, generate a bar chart to visually compare the number of burglaries during summer versus other months. Use the following details to plot the graph:

Figure size : 10 by 10

Colors : Orange and blue

Title : Number of Burglaries in Summer vs Other Months

y-label : Number of Burglaries

x-coordinates of bars: ['Summer Months', 'Other Months']


How can you change the size of the figure in Matplotlib before plotting your data?


How would you create a multi-plot figure in Matplotlib with independently scaled subplots but shared x-axis labels?


Analyze the Trend of Different Robbery Types Over Time

Start by focusing on only the specified robbery types: ['ROBBERY-PEDESTRIAN','ROBBERY-COMMERCIAL','ROBBERY-RESIDENCE']. Your task is to group this data by year and by robbery type, count the instances, and create a line plot to illustrate how each robbery type's frequency has changed over the years. Use the following parameters:

Figure size : 12 by 8

Title : Robbery Types Over Time

y-label : Number of Crimes

x-label : Year

The plot should also include annotations to display the exact number of incidents for each data point.


xytext : 0,10

ha : center

textcoords : offset points


You have a complex plot with multiple subplots and annotations. How can you save the plot as an image file while maintaining its high quality and resolution?


You need to arrange multiple subplots in a grid layout. How can you customize the spacing between subplots, adjust their aspect ratios, and share axes across different subplots?


Visualize The Proportion of Robbery Types.

First count the number of occurrences of each robbery type, then creates a pie chart where each slice represents the percentage of each type relative to the total.

Figure size : 6 by 6

autopct : %1.1f%%

Colors : skyblue, lightgreen and lightcoral

Title : Proportion of Robbery Types

Apply tight_layout() to prevent any overlapping or clipping of plot elements, ensuring a clean and organized appearance.


How can you add custom annotations to your plots, including text, arrows, and other shapes? What are some advanced techniques for placing annotations precisely and making them visually appealing?

Understanding Crime Through Visualizations with MatplotlibUnderstanding Crime Through Visualizations with Matplotlib
Project Created by

Adeyinka Odiaka

This project is part of

Visualizations with Matplotlib

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