All our Data Science projects include bite-sized activities to test your knowledge and practice in an environment with constant feedback.
All our activities include solutions with explanations on how they work and why we chose them.
How many null values are present in the dataset?
There could be more than just one correct answer.
Choice the correct code to transform RainTomorrow to a numeric variable using map.
Select the correct way to split the dataset into 30% test and 70% train.
There could be more than just one correct answer.
Based on previous predictions compute the accuracy score.
Round to two decimal places
Evaluate the accuracy of the training and testing dataset
After visualizing the decision boundaries. Answer the following question.
Do you have to normalize the data?
For this activity train a BaggingClassifier using only two features: ['MaxTemp', 'Humidity3pm'], a random_state of 42, and compute the oob_score.
Round to two decimal places