Practice the basics of jq using Pokemon data
Practice the basics of jq using Pokemon data Data Science Project
Data Science Tools

Practice the basics of jq using Pokemon data

jq is an amazing command line tool to process and analyze JSON files with a declarative format. In this project, you'll practice the basics of jq and JSON analysis using a dataset containing Pokemon.
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Practice the basics of jq using Pokemon dataPractice the basics of jq using Pokemon data
Project Created by

Ishan Das Sharma

Project Activities

All our Data Science projects include bite-sized activities to test your knowledge and practice in an environment with constant feedback.

All our activities include solutions with explanations on how they work and why we chose them.


Write the expression to select the 100th Pokemon

What's the jq expression used to select the 100th pokemon? Enter it below (remember to enter the full expression, including jq and pokemon.json):


Select only the `Name`, `Type 1` and `Total` from the 255th pokemon

Write the expression to select values individually, your output should look something like:


Select `Name`, `Type 1`, and `Total` as an object

Now we want to select the same values as before, but this time we want jq to return an object. Your expression should look like:

  "Name": "Torchic",
  "Type 1": "Fire",
  "Total": 310

Write an expression to select the last 3 Pokémon

Write a slicing expression to select the last 3 pokemon.

Your output should look something like:

    "Name": "Diancie",
    "Type 1": "Rock",
    "Type 2": "Fairy",
    "Total": 600,
    "HP": 50,
    "Attack": 100,
    "Defense": 150,
    "Sp. Atk": 100,
    "Sp. Def": 150,
    "Speed": 50,
    "Generation": 6,
    "Legendary": true

Write an expression to find the total number of Pokemon


Write an expression to select the maximum value of `Total`


Write an expression to find the average value of `Total`


Select the Pokémon that have an `Attack` greater than 150

Your output should look something like:

  "Name": "Slaking",
  "Type 1": "Normal",
  "Type 2": null,
  "Total": 670,
  "HP": 150,
  "Attack": 160,
  "Defense": 100,
  "Sp. Atk": 95,
  "Sp. Def": 65,
  "Speed": 100,
  "Generation": 3,
  "Legendary": false
  "Name": "Rampardos",
  "Type 1": "Rock",
  "Type 2": null,
  "Total": 495,
  "HP": 97,
  "Attack": 165,
  "Defense": 60,
  "Sp. Atk": 65,
  "Sp. Def": 50,
  "Speed": 58,
  "Generation": 4,
  "Legendary": false

Select only the `Name` and `Total` properties from Pokémon that have a `Total` greater than 650

Your output should look something like:

    "Name": "Mewtwo",
    "Total": 680
    "Name": "Lugia",
    "Total": 680
    "Name": "Ho-oh",
    "Total": 680
    "Name": "Slaking",
    "Total": 670

Select all the Pokémon that have a `Type 2` value set

That is, Type 2 is not null. Limit your results to the first 5 results.

Your output should look something like:

    "Name": "Bulbasaur",
    "Type 1": "Grass",
    "Type 2": "Poison",
    "Total": 318,
    "HP": 45,
    "Attack": 49,
    "Defense": 49,
    "Sp. Atk": 65,
    "Sp. Def": 65,
    "Speed": 45,
    "Generation": 1,
    "Legendary": false
    "Name": "Ivysaur",
    "Type 1": "Grass",
    "Type 2": "Poison",
    "Total": 405,
    "HP": 60,
    "Attack": 62,
    "Defense": 63,
    "Sp. Atk": 80,
    "Sp. Def": 80,
    "Speed": 60,
    "Generation": 1,
    "Legendary": false

Select the names of all the Legendary Pokemon

Your output should look something like:


Extract the names of all dual-type (having both Type 1 and Type 2 Pokemon)

Your output should look something like:


Extract the names of all Poison-type Pokemon.

It should include Pokémon having Poison as either their Type 1 or as their Type 2.

Your output should look something like:

  "Name": "Bulbasaur",
  "Type 1": "Grass",
  "Type 2": "Poison",
  "Total": 318,
  "HP": 45,
  "Attack": 49,
  "Defense": 49,
  "Sp. Atk": 65,
  "Sp. Def": 65,
  "Speed": 45,
  "Generation": 1,
  "Legendary": false
  "Name": "Ivysaur",
  "Type 1": "Grass",
  "Type 2": "Poison",
  "Total": 405,
  "HP": 60,
  "Attack": 62,
  "Defense": 63,
  "Sp. Atk": 80,
  "Sp. Def": 80,
  "Speed": 60,
  "Generation": 1,
  "Legendary": false
  "Name": "Dragalge",
  "Type 1": "Poison",
  "Type 2": "Dragon",
  "Total": 494,
  "HP": 65,
  "Attack": 75,
  "Defense": 90,
  "Sp. Atk": 97,
  "Sp. Def": 123,
  "Speed": 44,
  "Generation": 6,
  "Legendary": false

Calculate the average Defense of non-Legendary Pokemon

Combining above concepts + Statistical methods


Find the Pokémon with an `HP` greater than 70, sorted by HP in Ascending mode

Your output should look something like:

    "Name": "Purugly",
    "Type 1": "Normal",
    "Type 2": null,
    "Total": 452,
    "HP": 71,
    "Attack": 82,
    "Defense": 64,
    "Sp. Atk": 64,
    "Sp. Def": 59,
    "Speed": 112,
    "Generation": 4,
    "Legendary": false
    "Name": "Vanilluxe",
    "Type 1": "Ice",
    "Type 2": null,
    "Total": 535,
    "HP": 71,
    "Attack": 95,
    "Defense": 85,
    "Sp. Atk": 110,
    "Sp. Def": 95,
    "Speed": 79,
    "Generation": 5,
    "Legendary": false

Find the Pokémon with a `Defense` value greater than 100, sorted by `Defense` in descending mode

Your output should look something like:

    "Name": "Shuckle",
    "Type 1": "Bug",
    "Type 2": "Rock",
    "Total": 505,
    "HP": 20,
    "Attack": 10,
    "Defense": 230,
    "Sp. Atk": 10,
    "Sp. Def": 230,
    "Speed": 5,
    "Generation": 2,
    "Legendary": false
    "Name": "Regirock",
    "Type 1": "Rock",
    "Type 2": null,
    "Total": 580,
    "HP": 80,
    "Attack": 100,
    "Defense": 200,
    "Sp. Atk": 50,
    "Sp. Def": 100,
    "Speed": 50,
    "Generation": 3,
    "Legendary": true


Identify the Pokémon with the highest Attack in Generation 2

Your output should look something like:

  "Name": "Tyranitar",
  "Type 1": "Rock",
  "Type 2": "Dark",
  "Total": 600,
  "HP": 100,
  "Attack": 134,
  "Defense": 110,
  "Sp. Atk": 95,
  "Sp. Def": 100,
  "Speed": 61,
  "Generation": 2,
  "Legendary": false

Find all Defensive Pokémon (having more Defense than Attack)

Your output should look something like:


    "Name": "Volcanion",
    "Type 1": "Fire",
    "Type 2": "Water",
    "Total": 600,
    "HP": 80,
    "Attack": 110,
    "Defense": 120,
    "Sp. Atk": 130,
    "Sp. Def": 90,
    "Speed": 70,
    "Generation": 6,
    "Legendary": true

Group the Pokémon by their primary type (Type 1).

Your output should look something like:

      "Name": "Clauncher",
      "Type 1": "Water",
      "Type 2": null,
      "Total": 330,
      "HP": 50,
      "Attack": 53,
      "Defense": 62,
      "Sp. Atk": 58,
      "Sp. Def": 63,
      "Speed": 44,
      "Generation": 6,
      "Legendary": false
      "Name": "Clawitzer",
      "Type 1": "Water",
      "Type 2": null,
      "Total": 500,
      "HP": 71,
      "Attack": 73,
      "Defense": 88,
      "Sp. Atk": 120,
      "Sp. Def": 89,
      "Speed": 59,
      "Generation": 6,
      "Legendary": false

Get the number of Pokémon by Generation

Your output should look something like:

  "1": 1,
  "2": 1,
  "3": 1,
  "4": 1,
  "5": 1,
  "6": 7

Get average HP by Type 1

Your output should look something like:

  "Bug": 55.95238095238095,
  "Dark": 67.17857142857143,
  "Dragon": 78.04166666666667,
  "Electric": 59.5,
  "Fairy": 74.11764705882354,
  "Fighting": 70.24,
  "Fire": 68.59574468085107,
  "Flying": 68,
  "Ghost": 61.56521739130435,
  "Grass": 66.1969696969697,
  "Ground": 72.4,
  "Ice": 71.65217391304348,
  "Normal": 76.52688172043011,
  "Poison": 67.25,
  "Psychic": 70.61702127659575,
  "Rock": 64.53658536585365,
  "Steel": 64.81818181818181,
  "Water": 70.86666666666666

Use `reduce` to calculate how many Pokémon are legendary?

Practice the basics of jq using Pokemon dataPractice the basics of jq using Pokemon data
Project Created by

Ishan Das Sharma

This project is part of

Data Science Tools

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